Silicone Permanent Vacuum bags
Vacuum bags are an important tool for producing composite parts. SILROC CZ, a.s. is a manufacturer of high-quality reusable vacuum bags made of silicone. The main advantage compared to manually produced disposable bags made of bagging films is, they can be used repeatedly thus safe a lot of time in preparation and assure a stable process. SILROC CZ has decades of experience with manufacturing all types of silicone products.
We can produce vacuum bags both individually and in series.
Vacuum bags for Prepreg and Hand Lay Up
Our vacuum membranes are made for producing composite parts through hand lamination or prepreg technology. We use a special silicone manufactured by the company Smooth-On. Thanks to flawless processing, a single membrane can be used dozens of times.
Our bags guarantee both high-quality final products and short and repeatable production processes.
Vacuum bags for Infusion
We can produce vacuum bags for creating composites via infusion technology. We use a special silicone produced by the company Alan Harper composites. The infusion strategy used is designed and selected in cooperation with Alan Harper composites or the Fraunhofer Institut and is always optimally adapted to the bag in question.
Mold Production
Molds for producing vacuum bags can either be supplied by the customer or produced by SILROC CZ.
We have access to a wide range of material and production know-how, thanks to a close partnership with the company KauPo.